Tuesday, March 7, 2017

What's Your "Why?"


Every step in our journey starts with a "why."  You started homeschooling your children...there was a "why." You moved to a new community...there was a "why."  You begin looking at your own health differently than you used to...there is a "why."

When I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in October of 2012, I found my "why." Traditional medicine had no answers for this incurable degenerative disease, so I began looking outside the box for answers I could live with.

My journey took me to holistic medicine, supplements, dietary changes, therapeutic massage, exercise, and finally to essential oils. 

I'm still learning, growing, and adding new pieces to my protocol. And guess what? It's working!

Whether you have health concerns like me, or you're trying to go green in your home, or you're simply trying to improve your quality of life, essential oils can be your one-stop answer. 

So please....make yourself at home here. And, by all means, contact me if you need help or suggestions about which oils might be best for you. 

Here's to discovering the "whys" that make us tick!

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